Horizontal road signs and indications

Road safety | Horizontal road signs and indications

TECVISUR has the technical and human means needed to develop any work related to horizontal road signs and indications, temporary and definitive, both for public administration and for private companies involved in the construction or maintenance of infrastructures.

  • Motorways and roads (national, regional and local).
  • Aerodromes.
  • Town halls and crossings.
  • Dry docks and parkings.
  • Sport facilities.
  • Etc.

All products used to mark roads are homologated and certified by the corresponding authority: alkyd, acrylic (solvent or water), cold plastic (manual and mechanical application)and thermoplastic (application by spraying and extruding) paints.

Ministerio de Fomento | España Acciona Adif Ferrovial Sacyr Obrascón Huarte Lain | OHL Assyce Group